Santa Barbara’s Georgia Brace possesses same giving spirit as Phil Womble

In presenting the Phil Womble Ethics in Sports Award to Santa Barbara High junior Georgia Brace, Dave Pintard said the daughter of Billy and Meredith Brace embodied Womble’s spirit of giving and caring for others.

Georgia Brace

“She’s a giver, she cares,” Pintard said during his presentation at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table press luncheon at Harry’s Plaza Cafe. “There are so many traits that Phil Womble had that this young lady has. Every time I see this young girl I see that smile,” he added while holding up a photo of Womble.

The qualities of a Womble Award recipient include accountability, honesty, positive attitude, reliability, loyalty, sportsmanship, others above self and team above personal interest.

Joe Chenoweth, the athletic director at Santa Barbara High, said the selection of Brace was unanimous from the counseling office, athletic office and coaching staff.

“The time I told her that she was receiving this award she was encouraging people to donate their time for Special Olympics,” Chenoweth said. “She does it with such grace and poise.”

Added Pintard: “She is such a good person.”

Brace plays indoor and beach volleyball for the Dons. Her other extracurricular activities include holding the position of president in the Special Olympics Club and the Helping the Homeless Club.

She’s also an outstanding student, carrying a grade point average of 4.6.