Aleman a favorite in Special Olympics and at Bishop

BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Juan Aleman’s enthusiasm filled the Ranchero Room at Harry’s during this week’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table Luncheon. Aleman, who was honored…

You can bank on the luncheons, thanks to the bank


Excitement buzzes around at Harry’s

By BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Everyone was noticeably excited at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table Luncheon, and it wasn’t just because of the cheese enchiladas. Roger…

Johnson faces possible perma-blush after luncheon

By BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Annie Johnson received one of the best compliments a young woman can receive at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table press luncheon, and…

Luncheon crowd feels the connection

BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Sometimes we forget what a small town we live in. Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table luncheon was a reminder, because it…

The lonesome doves are not forgotten at Harry’s

BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Saturday will be a special day for some and a dreary day for others.  UCSB is hosting “Date Night at the ‘Dome” for…

Women in Sports Luncheon: Natalie Golda

By BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Earl Warren Showgrounds was oozing girl power on Monday. Just a few days after Barack Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair…

Athletes of the Week: Roberto Nelson and Jeannette Mendoza

JEANNETTE MENDOZA – SAN MARCOS GIRLS BASKETBALL Mendoza scored 31 points and grabbed 10 rebounds in a 58-56 win over Camarillo. The school record is…

Moore Encourages Everyone to “Think Pink”

By BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Kirsten Moore stepped out from behind the podium to do a little modeling of her pink pants at Monday’s Santa Barbara…

Carpinteria Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Nathan Saito

Nathan Saito has been chosen to be the Carpinteria High School Scholar Athlete of the Year.  Congratulations to Nathan.