Football teams looking for a fresh start in league
By Blake Dorfman, It’s no secret that our local high school football teams have struggled this year. The seven high schools have a combined…
Schedule strength is on high for many teams
BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Our local sports teams all seem to be going through the toughest parts of their schedules right now. Take the San…
Neilsen-Robbins gets it done on field, in classroom
BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM There’s pressure put on kids nowadays about taking the most AP classes, scoring the highest on the SATs and participating in…
Wilson’s back at year’s second luncheon
BY BLAKE DORFMAN – PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Smiles are a dime a dozen in the Ranchero Room at Harry’s for the weekly Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table…
Timers and touchdowns highlight first luncheon
BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Time is a hot commodity at the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table luncheons. The weekly event starts at high noon, and…
Luncheon Schedule
FALL/WINTER PRESS LUNCHEON DETAILS Harry’s Plaza Cafe in Loretto Plaza hosts all luncheons on Mondays at Noon. 9/14 SPORTS: Football, College Men’s & Women’s Soccer,…
President Wilson makes his final stand at Harry’s
BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM The Rick Wilson era came to a close at Monday’s final Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table Luncheon, the last of the year. For…
These twins really tie the room together at Harry’s
UCSB tennis coach Davis makes good on prediction
BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Marty Davis stood at the podium at last week’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table luncheon and boldly proclaimed that his UCSB…
Harwin stops by Harry’s for luncheon
BY BLAKE DORFMAN, PRESIDIOSPORTS.COM Jerry Harwin has accomplished a lot in his 97 years on earth, and he fittingly received a standing ovation at Monday’s Santa…
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