The defense never rests at luncheon

By Blake Dorfman, Lucy Carleton said it right. “Defense is so underrated, I feel,” remarked the Carpinteria girls soccer coach at Monday’s Santa Barbara…

Local hoopsters make it rain inside as well

By Blake Dorfman, No one wants to stand out an get soaked in the rain, which might be why a whopping 18 coaches were…

Powdrell preaches surging forward after falling back

By Blake Dorfman, One step backward, two steps forward. Actually, for David Powdrell, it was one stroke backward and a whole bunch of them…

“Best of the best” stick around at Harry’s

By Blake Dorfman, Westmont men’s basketball coach John Moore said that “it’s a great time of the year” at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round…

November 16, 2009

By Blake Dorfman, No excuses. Cate’s 8-man football team had a big one heading into its playoff opener Saturday against Victor Valley after three…

Moropoulos tells of Magic powers at luncheon

By Blake Dorfman, Distractions and superstition are two things coach Craig Moropoulos claims he always tries to stay away from when it comes to…

Hallock chucks lucky buck, “Little Big Game” awaits

By Blake Dorfman, Ben Hallock says he’s not one to believe in luck, but on his way out to the field before Carpinteria High’s…

Stream of young coaches from UCSB might be cut off

By Blake Dorfman, Al Ferrer had an important message to relay at Monday’s Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table luncheon. Ferrer, the Athletic Coaching advisor…

Sportsperson of the Month: Karen Buchanan

Karen Buchanan, the mother of San Marcos linebacker Jake Buchanan, works full time but still puts forth a downright heroic effort in helping the Royals’…

Football teams will keep pluggin’ along

By Blake Dorfman, “Three-up, three-down” isn’t just a baseball term anymore. It also applies to football, specifically the wave of bad luck that struck…