Athletes of the Week: Nathan Coffey and Anika Wilson

It was rivalry week for San Marcos, and Royals Anika Wilson and Nathan Coffey rose to the occasion, leading their respective teams to victories. Wilson,…

Athletes of the Week: Junior Garcia and Dane Miller

Santa Barbara High athletes Junior Garcia and Dane Miller are proof that the best offense can some times be a good defense. The outstanding defensive…

Athletes of the Week: McKenna Goss and Kameron Bebb

McKenna Goss and Kameron Bebb rose to the occasion during crunch time to lead their respective teams to victories in crosstown matches last week. Goss…

Athletes of the Week: Bella Vigna and Nick DePuy

Terrific ball striking was the name of the game for Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table Athletes of the Week Nick DePuy of UCSB and Bella…

Athletes of the Week: Madison Hale and Christopher Jellison

It was an exciting week on the tennis court and football field for Santa Barbara High, and Madison Hale and Christopher Jellison were instrumental in…

Athletes of the Week: Erica Schroeder and Omar Miranda

Being swift on their feet enabled Erica Schroeder and Omar Miranda to do some exciting things in their respective sports last week. Schroeder, a sophomore…

Athletes of the Week: Kellen Roberts and Chloe Allen

Kellen Roberts and Chloe Allen came up with the big plays to help their teams produce points and post victories over the weekend. Their game-changing performances…

Athletes of the Week: Oscar Garcia and Macy Broesamle

The poise and confidence of Oscar Garcia and Macy Broesamle spurred them do some big things to help their respective teams last week. Broesamle made…

Athletes of the Week: Alex Valente and Shannon Cleary

Dos Pueblos swimmers Alex Valente and Shannon Cleary were recognized for their performances during the Channel League swimming championships and were named the Athletes of…

Athletes of the Week: Brandon Gildea and Shelby Wisdom

Westmont’s Brandon Gildea and UCSB’s Shelby Wisdom were announced as Athletes of the Week at the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table press luncheon on Monday….